Monday, December 21, 2009

From Caroline's Mouth

Caroline says all kinds of amusing things to us on a daily basis now. Unfortunately, I probably have forgotten what a lot of those things were, even though at the time I said I wanted to write it down in the blog. Oh well, I do the best I can.

However, here are a few that have made us laugh:

When asked what she wants from Santa-- "toys, popsicles and candy canes!"

In the car on the way to Birmingham for the Curtis Christmas: "Daddy, I can't hear the movie.... Catherine's talking"

When we got home from Birmingham and pulled in the garage, Chris got Catherine out of the car first because she had fallen asleep, leaving me in the third row and Caroline in her car seat in the second row. So I told Caroline I would just climb over and get her out and she said "I want Daddy to get me out. I like Daddy better". Ugh. Talk about a knife to the heart. I'm sure one of these days I will laugh about that one. Not yet.

Caroline has recently developed a problem of waking up too early in the morning-- like 5 or 5:30 and even 4:30 one morning. We have decided, after attempting a variety of ways to solve the problem, that our last resort is to not go into her room until at least 6:30. So, the other day on the way home from school she told me she was tired and I said that it was becuase she woke up too early. I asked her why she was waking up so early and she said "Daddy comes and gets you (me)." And I said, "yes but Daddy is going to stop coming to get you now." And she said," Daddy closed the door." (Chris had gone in and tried to get her to go back to sleep and then left her room and shut the door.) "And then I try to climb out of my crib"

More to come in another post.....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow Day!!!!

Caroline got to play in the snow for the first time over the weekend. It only lasted a few hours before it melted, but she got out and enjoyed it with our neighbors for a bit. The picture of the two girls together in the chair is quite a historic moment for us. It is actually the first time that we have been able to photograph them sitting together (i.e., first time Caroline would cooperate with us). It's a pretty big deal that Caroline is letting Catherine share her chair. I love the way that Catherine is holding Caroline's hand. The final picture is one of Caroline making a silly face that she and her dad make at each other. I laugh every time I see it!
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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Catherine 6 Months

Catherine had her 6 month check-up last week, combined with a second follow-up after the pneumonia. The doctor said her lungs sounded great and her ear was finally cleared up. It took three different antibiotics to get over the ear infection. But, at least we are done with the antibiotics and breathing treatments. Yay for a clean bill of health.

She weighs 16 lbs 9 oz and is 27 in. long. I looked back at her 4 month stats, which had her length at 26.5 inches, so I think that one of these measurements is incorrect. Most likely, the 4 month was a bit too long. I really don't think she grew only a half an inch in 2 months.
For comparison, Caroline was 16 lbs. 10 oz. and 26.5 inches. It's interesting that their height and weight are so similar at this age.

We are all fighting yet another cold. We finally sent Caroline back to school the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and we think she brought home another bug. She ran a fever the day after Thanksgiving and then developed a stuffy nose and cough. We have all managed to catch some degree of it, including Chris who hardly ever gets sick. We are really holding our breath that this is just a normal cold for both girls, but especially for Catherine. We were told that it is likely that any cold will cause another episode of wheezing for her.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sick and Sicker

It was a rough week around here last week. Two weekends ago, Caroline started getting a cold. Sunday afternoon, she spiked a fever of 103.5, started coughing and was just generally unhappy. By Monday night, she was coughing so hard during the night that she couldn't sleep. Tuesday, I took her in to the doctor. He took about 30 seconds listening to her lungs and diagnosed her with pneumonia. He sent us straight to the hospital to get a chest X-Ray and then we went back to his office to go over the results with him. He showed us a very distinct area of fluid around a bronchiole in her left lung and a small amount in her right lung. We left with a prescription for antibiotics and cough medicine.

My mom had come over to keep Catherine while I took Caroline to the doctor, and when she got home, she mentioned that Catherine was coughing a little. I had noticed that she had a bit of a stuffy nose that morning but still seemed pretty happy. But, when I picked her up, she felt a little warm. Took her temp and it was 100.2-- low grade but still a fever. As the evening progressed, I noticed that her breathing sounded abnormal. I wasn't sure if it was just because she was mouth breathing due to a stuffy nose or if she was really having a hard time breathing. I called our dr's office and spoke to the nurse on call. I told her the situation and we went over a checklist of symptoms, and she told me that it just sounded like a cold but to watch her overnight. I was to call back if her breathing changed-- otherwise, to call the pediatrician in the morning. So, I took her in the next morning. She had an ear infection in the right ear and bronchiolitis, inflammation of the small airways in the lungs, caused by a virus. He said any virus that can cause a cold in adults can cause bronchiolitis in babies. They tested her for RSV, but it was negative. She got a breathing treatment to help with the wheezing and we were sent home with a nebulizer to do breathing treatments 3-4 times per day along with a antibiotic for the ear infection.
She woke up the next morning seeming to feel OK. Her temp. was 100.7 and still stuffy and not breathing completely normally, but not worse than the previous day. By mid-afternoon, her breathing was becoming much faster (2-3 times the normal rate )and more labored and she sounded crackly and had a deep, hard productive cough. I called our peds office and they said to bring her in that evening. The doc listened to her lungs, did a breathing treatment, listened to her breathing again and said we needed to get a chest X-Ray. She couldn't tell if it was pneumonia for sure. At the last minute, she decided to get a blood count "just to be sure her white blood cell count isn't high". Catherine's WBC count came back at 28,000. She then tells us that 30,000 means automatic admission to the hospital. At that point, we decide to admit Catherine to T.C. Thompson Children's Hospital and just get the chest X-Ray there. Before leaving, they gave Catherine oral steroids and an antibiotic injection. The chest X-Ray showed pneumonia, which was no huge surprise after the bloodwork results and we spent a very, very long night at the hospital. By morning, Catherine had improved quite a bit and our doctor called at lunch and said we could go home.
Caroline is doing great now. After a couple of days of antibiotics and a few good night's sleep thanks to the cough medicine, she was back to playing a feeling good. She still doesn't have a lot of stamina and we have not let her go back to school yet, but her energy (and appetite!!!) is improving every day.
Catherine is slowly getting better. We do breathing treatments every 4 hours around the clock and she is on oral antibiotics and steroids. Her breathing still is not completely back to normal and she continues to have a stuffy, runny nose and cough. Through the whole process, Catherine never lost her smiley disposition, but now we are really starting to see that she is feeling better. She will probably be a bit under the weather for a while longer and it may take weeks for her to completely kick the whole thing, according to the doctor. So, we are staying close to home and keeping it low-key so that she can get well and not catch any more bugs.
Both girls have a follow-up doctor's appointment on Thursday.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Catherine 5 months

Looking at the ceiling fan-- one of her favorites.

I think Catherine has great facial expressions! I just love the way her eyes light up when she smiles. These pictures really capture her smiley, happy disposition. Catherine has a very quick smile that can be brought on by the simplest of things-- hearing a familiar voice, kisses on the cheek, recessed ceiling lights, fans, squeaky toys, just to name a few. She even smiles at complete strangers. But, the one thing that makes her smile the most is her sister Caroline. Sometimes, she will even giggle at Caroline, which then makes Caroline laugh, and they both end up in stitches (and usually me too).
Catherine is starting to roll to her tummy much more frequently and even enjoys playing there for a while now. Today, she actually lifted her bottom off the floor a little and moved her legs like she was trying to pull her knees under her-- some definite pre-crawling movements. She also started rice cereal mixed with breastmilk yesterday and did pretty well with it, despite the fact that she grabbed the spoon every bite and spilled more that she ate. Today, I made it a little thicker and she really seemed to like it. She even cried when she finished what I had mixed up, so I made her some more and she gobbled it right down too.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat 2009

Well, I managed to make it two years and two months before Caroline ate candy. Last night, she had her first Snickers, her first Peanut M&M's, her first 3 Muskateers and her first sugar high. She really loved the candy and had such a good time walking around our neighborhood eating her candy with one hand and carrying her pumpkin with the other. She was so cute saying "trick or treat" and "thank you" at every house. We did have to explain to her that she could not go into all the houses, however.
Poor Catherine had been running a little fever over the past two days, so she rested in the stroller while Caroline trick or treated. It's funny to think that next year, Catherine will be able to walk and trick or treat right alongside her sister.
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Costume Day at School

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Festival

The church where Caroline goes to school had a Fall Festival last night. We threw together a makeshift princess costume last minute with a littl help from the basket of dress up clothes that Grammie gave her. Caroline had a lot of fun with the bounce house, pony rides and games. She did not, however, like the slide and made that very clear when she finished and then again when we came home and she was telling daddy about it. One funny story--- there was a little boy dressed up in a costume that had a robin's egg blue ghost-like mask and cape. When Caroline saw it, she completely stopped in her tracks and just stared at him, clinging to my leg. Once we were walking around again, she then started saying "see the worm, see the worm". Finally, I figured out she was calling the blue costume a worm. She even came home and told Chris there was a worm at the festival, and then kept asking to "see the worm" the entire car ride to school this morning. Posted by Picasa

Fall Festival

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Dressing Up Like Mommy

Caroline put my shoes and hat on "all by herself" and walked around the house, laughing at herself and cracking us up in the process. She still loves to wear our shoes and calls these "mommy's essasisin' shoes" (exercising shoes).
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

2nd Annual Pumpkin Farm Trip

We went to Guthrie's Pumpkin Farm again last Sunday. It was a fun trip! Caroline really
enjoyed all of the activities and was able to pick out her own pumpkin from the patch. Catherine
was her usual smiley self and just took it all in, riding around in the Baby Bjorn.
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2nd Annual Pumpkin Farm Trip

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2nd Annual Pumpkin Farm Trip

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2nd Annual Pumkin Farm Trip

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