Thursday, March 11, 2010

Valentine's Father-Daughter Dance

Caroline's school had a Father-Daughter Valentine's Dance on Feb. 13. The school provided corsages, a dessert bar, and a photographer. My understanding is that there was a little bit of dancing (or jumping) and a lot of cookie eating on Caroline's part. She definitely had a good time. Catherine was still too young to go, but her time will come soon.
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Friday, March 5, 2010

Catherine 9 Months

Catherine had her 9 month check-up yesterday. Everything looked good. The RSV that casued her to wheeze again and double ear infections are all cleared up. She was sick with all of that 2 weeks ago and we had to do another round of breathing treatments. This poor girl has been through the ringer with illness!

Her weight was 20 lbs. 13 oz. and she is 28.5 inches long. That is just above the 75th %-ile. Caroline was 20 lbs. 5 oz. and 28 in. at 9 months, so Catherine continues to be pretty close to her in size over the months.

Other big news--- Catherine is starting to crawl and feed herself finger foods. The crawling is just beginning to happen in short little bursts of 4-5 steps and then she usually just lunges on her belly at whatever she wants. I think in another week she will be all over the house. I have been trying to introduce Gerber Puffs over the past couple of weeks but she either didn't seem interested or, if one did make it in her mouth, it would get stuck on her tongue and cause her to gag. She even vomited from it a couple of times. So, I tried a new kind of organic puffs made by Happy Baby that I found at Greenlife, and she took right to them yesterday. They are larger rings and I break tham in half. She had no problem picking them up with her thumb and forefinger and getting them in her mouth. She mashed them with her gums and got them all down with no gagging. So, it's been fun to be able to let her eat a little bit herself at the same time Caroline has a snack or meal. Of course, Caroline has decided that she likes the new puffs too, so I think I'm going to have to go back and stock up.