Sunday, May 30, 2010

Catherine 9-12 months

Its been a while since I've done much updating in text, so here's a summary of some highlights for Catherine over the past 3 months:

9 months- started crawling small distances

9.5 months- crawling all over the house; pulling up to stand some; gave her some white rice at dinner one night and she loved it (first finger food besides puffs and cheerios that she has liked)

10-10.5 months- pulling up all the time; much happier standing than sitting;
waving bye-bye and blowing kisses; blowing kisses evolved from us asking Caroline to blow Catherine a kiss when it was time to go night night; Catherine picked up on it, at first putting her fist to her mouth and then putting her fist to her mouth and blowing a raspberry; and now when she hears "night night Catherine" she automtically does her version of blowing a kiss
waving bye-bye started around 10 months in response to someone waving to her; around 10.5 months, she started waving when she would hear the words bye, bye or even sometimes when she would see Chris walking down the hall and she thought he was leaving to go to work

11 months- clapping; self-feeding small pieces of banana and cottage cheese; shaking her head no when she does something she knows she's not supposed to

11.5 months- taking steps with her hands held; standing without suppport; cruising

1 week before her first birthday- standing without support and clapping for herself

4 days before first birthday- climbing stairs

1 comment:

  1. Jeez, I can't believe she's a year old already!! Happy birthday Catherine :-)
